Day 26
Chapter Twenty-six: Growing Through Temptation
God develops the fruit of the Spirit in your life by allowing you to experience cirmcumstances in which you're tempted to express the exact opposite quality. Character development always involves a choice, and temptation provides that opportunity. -Rick Warren
This certainly makes it easy to discern when I am being tempted.
Temptation always startes in your mind, no in circumstances. - Rick Warren
I find this interesting, because that means we may subconciously put ourselves in temptatious situations in order to blame the circumstances for our actions. But if it weren't a temptation in the first place, we wouldn't have been able to bait ourselves.
Temptation is a sign that Satan hates you, not a sign of weakness or worldliness. It is also a normal part of being a human and living in a fallen world. - Rick Warren
It is not a sin to be tempted. Jesus was tempted, yet he neer sinned. Temptation only becomes a sin when you gie in to it. -Rick Warren
Temptations keep us dependent on God. Just as the roots grow stronger when the wind blows against a tree, so every time you stand up to temptation you become more like Jesus. When you stumble-which you will-it is not fatal. Instead of giving in or giving up, look up to God, expect him to help you, and remember the reward that is waiting for you. -Rick Warren
I think that knowing that temptation is normal, and is not a sin is a very important concept. Everyone is tempted to do things that they shouldn't. When we give up and give in to temptation, that is when we are sinning.
Point to Ponder: Every temptation is an opportunity to do good.
Verse to Remember: James 1:12 God blesses the people who patiently endure testing. Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.
Question to Consider: What Christlike character quality can I develop by defeating the most common temptation I face?
I am often tempted and give in to being overly critical of others. I know that if I were to hold my tongue more often, I would develop patience, and then perhaps those that I was criticizing would be more apt to do what I had thought they should do without my pressing them. I just may be surprised.
God develops the fruit of the Spirit in your life by allowing you to experience cirmcumstances in which you're tempted to express the exact opposite quality. Character development always involves a choice, and temptation provides that opportunity. -Rick Warren
This certainly makes it easy to discern when I am being tempted.
Temptation always startes in your mind, no in circumstances. - Rick Warren
I find this interesting, because that means we may subconciously put ourselves in temptatious situations in order to blame the circumstances for our actions. But if it weren't a temptation in the first place, we wouldn't have been able to bait ourselves.
Temptation is a sign that Satan hates you, not a sign of weakness or worldliness. It is also a normal part of being a human and living in a fallen world. - Rick Warren
It is not a sin to be tempted. Jesus was tempted, yet he neer sinned. Temptation only becomes a sin when you gie in to it. -Rick Warren
Temptations keep us dependent on God. Just as the roots grow stronger when the wind blows against a tree, so every time you stand up to temptation you become more like Jesus. When you stumble-which you will-it is not fatal. Instead of giving in or giving up, look up to God, expect him to help you, and remember the reward that is waiting for you. -Rick Warren
I think that knowing that temptation is normal, and is not a sin is a very important concept. Everyone is tempted to do things that they shouldn't. When we give up and give in to temptation, that is when we are sinning.
Point to Ponder: Every temptation is an opportunity to do good.
Verse to Remember: James 1:12 God blesses the people who patiently endure testing. Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.
Question to Consider: What Christlike character quality can I develop by defeating the most common temptation I face?
I am often tempted and give in to being overly critical of others. I know that if I were to hold my tongue more often, I would develop patience, and then perhaps those that I was criticizing would be more apt to do what I had thought they should do without my pressing them. I just may be surprised.